[Mt6582] [3.4.67] Viper Os-Coral- V 3.1.1 For Fire2-A104 By Tanmoy Podder

 [MT6582] [3.4.67]] VIPER OS-CORAL-  V 3.1.1 FOR FIRE2-A104 BY TANMOY PODDER 

ViperOS, It's Stable and Battery Friendly Custom Rom. Many Features, High Performance and Reability. Feel the venom in your vein. Viper Color Engine is amazing, simple and robust theme engine. Blue, White, Dark, Orange choose yourself your theme color. Substratum is fully supported. Venom is a powerful and integrated Viper SystemUI that brings many customization, from lockscreen to power menu.


* Traffic indicators

* Statusbar items

* Clock & date

* Battery icon settings
* Carrier label
* Quick settings personalization
* Other statusbar settings
* VPN icon toggle
* Data saver icon toggle
* VoLTE icon
* Viper statusbar logo
* Option to Display Data Disabled indicator Icons
* Ticker
* Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function

* Custom lockscreen settings
* Lockscreen weather
* Option to hide lockscreen clock, date & alarm text 
* Hide status kafetaria on lockscreen
* Hide power sajian on secure lockscreen
* Hide quick settings on secure lockscreen
* Lockscreen flashlight, double tap anywhere to sleep and disable media image

 Multi tasking 
* Round button on recents
* Recents style toggle: cards and grid
* Recents membar

* Beautiful black theme
* Navbar enable/disable
* Pixel navbar (with animation) toggle
* Dynamic navbar
* Navbar dimensions
* Navbar button layout
* Hardware keys binding
* Hardware keys enable/disable
* Kill app with back button
* Power sajian customization
* Heads up toogle, timeout and snooze function
* Reset battery stats
* Wired headset: make ringtone audio focus customizable
* Live volume steps
* Hide arrows in network traffic indicators
* Fingerprint authentication vibration
* Toast icon switch
* Advanced Bluetooth, Data, Wifi Toggles
* Disable/enable screenshot sound
* QS header icon settings
* Header date and time positions
* Unlock keystore with fingerprint
* Ability to toggle vibration when double tapping power button for camera
* Double tap to sleep on navigation bar
* Drop Lineage LockClock, use OmniJaws
* Drop AOSP Clock app, use from Google
* Custom ambient display settings

Many other customizations, install and take a look

RIL (Calls, SMS, Data)
Calls on BOTH SIM( Outgoing, incoming)
Installed apps shows in drawer
video recording
Video Playback
Audio player

Melek Port XSport
sanja56 Помог
medved9112 Собирал
Manjunath yashu(crossported from mt6735 m and fixed all bugs)
Tanmoy Podder


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